If you were elected the PM of the country (God forbid), how would you handle the epidemic of drugs in the UK, particularly affecting the youth and cabinet ministers, and why?

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I've been told that needle exchange programs help reduce infection and problems in drug addiction, I wonder if a minister exchange program would help too...

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

Steroids have only slightly reduced the death rate for COVID-19. The results of this study have prompted several medical specialists to suggest taking steroids. Orders for research chemicals placed online can be fulfilled anywhere in the world. All of our products passed the rigorous industrial testing that they underwent. On jwhchemicalshub.com, non-prescription products can be purchased by our licensed medical professionals.

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How can those of us who not in a medical field(such as engineering, physics, finance etc) get a better understanding of medicine and how the Human body works? Any particular courses, books qualifications you'd recommend?

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Hi Rohin,

I love your content and your humour!

What are you thoughts on the current research into longevity and the drugs associated with it.

eg. metformin, rapamycin, nmn, resveratrol, etc.

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My question is related to psychedelics. I have watched many pop-science videos on this topic they all convey the same message that taking a psychedelics drug changes your experience completely. There are claims that it is proof of the supernatural world or some kind of transcendental world that is beyond our natural world. I want a rigorous medical answer to this fuss because I have seen the most popular things which are used to prove the supernatural have an elegant and simplistic scientific explanation. Also, love you from India you are great at beating quacks using rigorous and evidence-based medical facts. Your video about what went wrong in India was on point since it mentioned the root cause of problems here lack of scientific temperament. I hope your channel grows exponentially in the upcoming future.

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V.Ljust now

What is something you wish non-medical professionals, average joes, knew about drugs? What is something we are missing in knowledge?

Or phased differently, what misconceptions you hear (at work) that irk you?

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Doctors keep getting asked on the Internet and by random people to recomend treatments and drugs without knowing anything about the details of their illnesses... What do you think is the best solution to this problem? And why is it to recommend high strength laxatives?

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Is this journal good or bad? https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2788346 Some people I talk with just believed it blindly without being doctors in the field. I'd like you to give it a read and your opinion as you're after all a heart doctor and I'm not. But I think after having seen a lot of your videos including one about myocarditis in relation to vaccines that papers aren't always peer reviewed properly and are pushed out too fast and people then make judgements before enough have actually analyzed it, including the sample group for example.

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JAMA is a respected journal, by all means, but the problem with the article is how you interpret the findings... They come from VAERS, which is self reporting, so it's not a confirmed case of something, but rather someone saying they had the thing or someone suspecting they have the thing and going with it, so the numbers aren't confirmed cases but rather alleged cases

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What do you & the prof think about paying drugs smugglers the going rates for their hauls at customs? And could you give me a heads-up if this ever becomes a thing?

Not joking... if all major govts suddenly agreed to pay off smuglers the supply would quickly dry up bc money flowing back to producers would just stop.

Lots of finer details need looking at obviously, such as consideration given to protecting smugglers & their families and it'd need to be coordinated with help & therapy for users etc etc.

But surely this, though horrifyingly expensive, would be by far the least expensive long term solution.

To be clear I realise nothing could stamp out all illegality but it might reboot the global illegal drugs industry and be a springboard for a brave new world of tolerance & regulation leading to all sorts of future benefits for all.

Is this proof I am taking too few/too many poorly researched drugs or have I really just solved one of the worlds biggest problems? Thoughts...?

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My friend says you remind her of Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory

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Hey Dr Robin — Completely unrelated (sorry) but I’m a fellow YouTube medical/science content creator and I’m currently stuck at the 2k subscriber mark — I don’t seem to be getting much growth anymore out of promoting my content on the relevant subreddits/facebook groups and have no idea what to do now, any advice?

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How's the Tom Shrine going? We hope you are still worshipping everyday

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And love your content!!!!! Got me into the med youtube field that I never imagined I'd be in. Huge respect 🙏

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Really sorry for my set of dumb questions, sooo here goes.

1. What is the weirdest heart fact probably the laymen (including me) doesn't know?

2. What particular feature of the heart's design do you wish wasn't present?

and the most important question of all:

3. What has happened to a certain Tom Scott shrine me and my friend saw here at this link:

https://youtu.be/2F0V9MjrhXE (spotted at the 4:06 mark)?

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Explaining the effect of (some, prescription) drugs on QT interval might be an interesting cardiological angle.

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A bit of an existential question for medicine: How can we justify fancy (and expensive) procedures when it's clear that we could have a better return on investment with more simple procedures. Example: face transplants, some cancer drugs with very marginal benefits or scoliosis surgery are really expensive, this money could surely be used to address social problems (which often translate into health problems).

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RE: Euthanasia

I don’t think they’re much different from the youth in any other part of the world. (It’s a homophone-based pun, the second-laziest kind of pun…)

Also: What—in your opinion—counts as “informed consent”? In the event my patient doesn’t happen to have several years of medical/scientific training, can I really provide them with an adequate understanding of the risk/challenge-to-benefit ratio for even a relatively simple procedure or medication? (I know, I know, I should spend the entire 60 spare seconds I have talking with them instead of being lazy and calling it at 50.)

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