Nov 22, 2022Liked by Medlife Crisis (Rohin)

Great stuff as usual! Cool that you were able to do a bunch of interesting/unique speaking gigs, though your description of the no man's land in which you end up watching Andor instead of working on the things you either "should" or want to be working on is painfully relatable.

I have a slight gripe about lumping the left and the right in together. While on places like Twitter, I completely agree, both groups tend to be insufferable, irrational, and often authoritarian, in the current broader political landscape, it seems callous to make the "both sides are equally bad" argument. There's no comparison between what the political right in countries like the US and UK are doing with anyone in those places who are left of center.

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You are right (I mean correct lol), I wasn't suggesting that overall, but in relation to the noisy extremes on social media. The traditional definitions of left and right persist, and I am on the left by that measure, but I was also hinting towards how a large and vocal portion referred to as "the left" these days don't actually represent those more typical values, and there's been some change on the right as well. Instead of the more traditional differences based on economic or welfare arguments, both of these 'neo' left and right groups are obsessed with identity.

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Running the risk of getting shot for going to a gay bar in the U.S. tends to make me feel that my queer identity is extremely important (and often in a way that's been imposed upon LGBTQ people from the right.)

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Medlife Crisis (Rohin)

A rare thing - a newsletter that was actually interesting...

Now, stop prevaricating and post some bloody videos!!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Medlife Crisis (Rohin)

To get me, a high school graduate salty Veteran living over in Belgium, working full time as a dock worker to read your long very very long news letter !!! You are doing something right !!! Watched you when you were doing videos while driving to work , love input and science and subscribed to nebula because of you !!! Doctors life is not a joke as my brother in law is one and I see first hand how Dam busy you all are, keep up with the passion and drive and I will keep following !!! Good to know you re still alive and kicking !!

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Thanks for an awesome comment!

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Medlife Crisis (Rohin)

Love to read your newsletter when it comes out!

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance too :)

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Medlife Crisis (Rohin)

The "become a Scottish lord" ads are so ridiculous that I can't imagine anyone who doesn't have $$$ to throw around wasting money on them, unlike the NFT/crypto scams. Otherwise reputable YouTubers taking ads from Better Help and similar mental health apps are also troubling.

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Don't worry I'm coming for Better Help spots in a forthcoming video ;)

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"ADHD and working to a schedule"

I'm really curious about the ADHD stuff but appears to have been missed off?

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